20 #ifndef DESIGN_NOTES_H_
21 #define DESIGN_NOTES_H_
22 #include <sys/epoll.h>
35 struct epoll_event *event);
EPOLLIN: The file is available to be read from without blocking.
epool event structure 4th parameter of epoll_ctl(...)
EPOLLET: Enables edge-triggered behavior for the monitor of the file (see the upcoming section "Edge-...
EPOLLOUT: The file is available to be written to without blocking.
EPOLL_CTL_XXX possible values.
int epoll_ctl_doc(int epfd, int op, int fd, struct epoll_event *event)
union epoll_event_doc::@4 data
int events
and EPOLL_EVENT value (might be ored)
EPOLL_EVENTS possible values.
EPOLLPRI: There is urgent out-of-band data available to read.
EPOLLHUP: A hangup occurred on the file. This event is always monitored, even if it's not specified...
EPOLL_CTL_MOD: Modify an existing monitor of fd with the updated events specified by event...
EPOLLERR: An error condition occurred on the file. This event is always monitored, even if it's not specified.
EPOLL_CTL_DEL: Remove a monitor on the file associated with the file descriptor fd from the epoll ins...
EPOLLONESHOT: After an event is generated and read, the file is automatically no longer monitored...
EPOLL_CTL_ADD: Add a monitor on the file associated with the file descriptor fd to the epoll instance...